Monday, December 21, 2009

Bagpipe Raffle

From City of Adelaide Pipe Band

Hi to all,

I'm hoping you can forward this email to your respective pipe corps. It's an opportunity to win a fantastic set of hand made bagpipes.

The City of Adelaide Pipe Band is holding a "Bagpipe Raffle" with proceeds going towards defending their Australian Championships title at the 2010 Australian Pipe Band Championships and to assist in their youth development project.

The Prize: A magnificent set of hand engraved sterling silver and imitation ivory African Blackwood bagpipes supplied by Colin Kyo Bagpipes including Bag, Bag Cover, Reeds & Moisture Control System (as per City of Adelaide Pipe Band championship winning setup) (Prize Value $5000AU approx.)

An audio file of the pipes and chanter can be heard on the School of Piping Website, performed by City of Adelaide Pipe Band Pipe Major Brett Tidswell at:

The raffle will be drawn at the 2010 R.U Brown Piobaireachd society Gold Medal Solo competition May 2nd 2010 by Murray Huggins the maker of Colin Kyo Bagpipes himself.

1 Ticket for $15
3 Tickets for $40
5 Tickets for $50

and can be purchased over the internet by heading to and following the links.
or by contacting the band secretary ( All major credit cards are accepted, as well as direct deposit.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to contact me.


Ryan Post
City of Adelaide Pipe Band

- Peter W

Thursday, December 10, 2009

A couple of wedding pics ....

Hi all,

After being hassled by numerous people from the band I've finally relented and put a few of our wedding photos up on the blog. The day went very well and was definitely less stressful than I thought it might be. Thanks again for all you best wishes.

Liz and Ben

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Wee tunes for Xmas 2009

A couple of wee tunes afore Xmas.Wishing you all a very merry festive season.

Bill & Hilary Gall, Tea Gardens, NSW.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Salisbury Xmas Pageant

Some snaps from the Salisbury pageant. Congratulations Joyce on your first march.


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Welcome to a New and Old Member

This Saturday at the Salisbury Christmas Pageant will see Joyce Sutherland playing with the band for the first time. Congratulations Joyce, perseverance pays!

Also Dean Worsley will be back with us on Saturday. Dean's Airforce duties have taken him to Queensland for the past couple of years but he is back with us now. Great to have you back Dean!

-Peter W

Sunday, November 8, 2009

More from Tea tree Gully Pageant

Some photos taken by Claire on Saturday.
Thank goodness for the shade.
- Peter W

A Scottsh Paper in Aussie

For several years now I have contributed to ,"The Scottish Banner" , which is a Scottish newspaper
distributed in Australia,New Zealand,Canada,and the USA. It has an array of articles on Scottish Culture,food, history, items for sale and up and coming events. If anyone is interested,contacts are; or mail to The Scottish Banner,PO Box 107, Coogee, NSW 2034, Cost Australia, $40.00-1 Year.$73.00 2 Years.Tele; (02) 9664-6843. Email:

The Editor & Publisher is Valerie Cairney,FSA,Scot, her son,Australian Editor is Sean Cairney.

Bill, Tea Gardens,NSW

Tea Tree Gully Christmas Parade 7th Nov 2009

A lovely warm start to the Christmas season of pageants and parades.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Callum J. Summers.

Click on the image to see it enlarged.

Bill Gall.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Tanunda Contest

The contest yesterday was a gruelling but rewarding day.

The festival committee was pleased with the turnout and it was a good day for our band also. I think most bands and spectators had a good time.

I'll have a chat about this at band practice on Tuesday but in addition to the positive comments on the sheets I had a chat to both piping judges and they were most complimentary about our performance and attitude. Apparently the change has been noted in other bands and has been a topic of discussion.

Thanks everyone for turning out on what is always a fairly demanding day. You did well both pipers and drummers, keep it up!

- Peter W

Tanunda Band Festival

Thank heavens it was on Saturday because today the temperature has dropped 10 degrees.

Lovely photo of Terrance and his Nanna.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Today's photos from Tanunda

Hi everyone,

I've uploaded all of my photos to the Picasa website ( and put a selection of them on our website. Thanks Steve for being the photographer for the day!

Remember if you'd like any other photos to be added you can either post them here in the blog or upload them to the picasa site by emailing them to

Thanks to everyone who went today - I had a great time.


Friday, October 16, 2009

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

This Thursday Practice has moved

Due to a prior booking of our normal hall, Thursday's practice has been moved. The practice will be held at the Elizabeth RSL Hall, Elizabeth East. The practice will commence at 7PM.

This change will be for the one night only.

Also a reminder that the following Thursday practice will be held at RAAF Edinburgh and will be a drill practice. Meet at the main gate at 7PM

-Peter W

Saturday, October 3, 2009

A New/Old Drummer

It's good to see young Willie back into the band.
After a lenghty absence Willie was voted in as a member on Thursday night.

Well done!

-Peter W

Monday, September 21, 2009

More Kapunda Photos

I have been contacted by Ian Fisk to bring to our attention some photos of the Kapunda Celtic Festival (including ourselves) that he took. They can be seen at the following link:

34th Kapunda Celtic Festival Sept 2009 photos

There were more people in the street march than I thought!


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A few more Kapunda Photos

Attached are a few more photos of the band at Kapunda.
What a windy and (later) cold day, at one stage I could hardly feel my fingers!
I have also emailed a batch to the Picasa site.

- Peter W

Monday, September 14, 2009

Kapunda Celtic Festival Photos

I've finally uploaded my photos for the Kapunda Celtic Festival and put a selection on the website. For those interested, there are a few extra on our Picasa site ( I'll try to upload all of our photos to the Picasa site as a pretty comprehensive historical record, and at this stage we can store up to 1 GIG on there!

I know a lot of others took photos on the day and if you want to contribute to our records you can either upload them here on the blog or email them directly to the Picasa website (


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Lost but still alive

I seems like an eternity since I last logged on.Many this have happened and sickness was at it's worse.Uncle Sam (USA) gave me a gift that haunted me since 1968.However I'm up and running again and seeking out another server.At this stage I'm on wireless broadband to tie me over, but be assured I'll be back.

Angus (snr).Sorry it's been so long since our last comms.Been busy with Clans on the Coast group and that book is going to be finished if it's the last thing I do.Kindest regards to Aunty Flora and all the Clan in CEPB. Bill Gall, Tea Gardens NSW

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Callum James Summers

Hi All,

I have some news, Tina gave birth yesterday to a beautiful baby boy. Callum born 07/08/09 at 4:55pm, weighing 3.02kg, and he is 48cm long. Tina had a very quick labour and I mean quick.

Both Tina and Callum are doing just fine, they'll both be out of hospital on Tuesday.
Young Lachie has taken to the big brother as if he'd done it before, he's given Callum lots of hugs and constantly wants to nurse his little brother.

The Glengary you see Callum wearing was actually a gift for Lachie from his Great Grandfather to be used on Lachie's doll, but I found another use for it.

I hope everyone is well, and I'm sure Kath will keep you updated.



Monday, August 3, 2009

New website

Hi all,

Peter's been snooping around and already found the new website I've been working on. Unfortunately our old website (built by one or both of the Angus Massie's) will be closed down very soon. See the email I recently received:

Dear Google Page Creator User,

As was previously announced, Google will soon be discontinuing operation of the Google Page Creator product. We will be migrating your Page Creator sites over to Google Sites so that they continue to operate with no work on your part. However, we've identified you as using Google Page Creator to host files that Sites doesn't support. We are writing to inform you that, as part of this migration, if you take no action to address this, your hosted files will likely break. If they are important then we suggest you move them to a different hosting service.

Contrary to what was posted in the blog post, the shut down and migration of Google Page Creator has been extended and will begin in a few weeks.

Thank you for your patience during this migration.


The Google Sites Team

Unfortunately because of the way the original website was set up (standard html code hosted by google pages) the automatic transfer will not work so I've started working on the new website ( Eventually when the old website is shutdown any visits to it should be re-directed to the new website so hopefully there won't be too many problems during the changeover period.

I'm still working on it, so please let me know what works and doesn't work on your computer.


August Mini Band Competition

Well Done!

Our mini band on Sunday did themselves and the band proud by putting in a very good performance, certainly as good as anything we've achieved at practice recently, and also better than anything we're achieved in competition in the past few years. There were numerous remarks from the judges and spectators to the fact that the band playing has jumped ahead in recent months. Although we only played 4 pipers on the day these comments of course apply to the whole band. Plenty of incentive here to keep at it as this is just the beginning of our journey.

Special congratulations must be made to Jason as this was his first competition. Great effort Jason! And well done in the Solos too.

Liz has put some photos up on the web site (New site looking good Liz).

- Peter W

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Some Photos from last night

Great night!
Thanks again to Kathy and Steve.
-Peter W

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Hi everyone,

Just a quick reminder about our Cabaret coming up on Saturday July 25th.

It's being held once again at the Elizabeth RSL and tickets this year will cost $10 for adults and $5 for children.

As the organiser, Kathy's asked that everyone remembers to bring in any money from ticket sales, any unused tickets and hopefully some more raffle prizes.

Just in case you've forgotten how good the event was last year, here a a few pictures to jog the memory:

Hope to see all of you and your family and friends there.


Sunday, June 14, 2009


A few photo,s from Friday Night, a good night had by all and the band sounded great.
