Monday, September 21, 2009

More Kapunda Photos

I have been contacted by Ian Fisk to bring to our attention some photos of the Kapunda Celtic Festival (including ourselves) that he took. They can be seen at the following link:

34th Kapunda Celtic Festival Sept 2009 photos

There were more people in the street march than I thought!


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A few more Kapunda Photos

Attached are a few more photos of the band at Kapunda.
What a windy and (later) cold day, at one stage I could hardly feel my fingers!
I have also emailed a batch to the Picasa site.

- Peter W

Monday, September 14, 2009

Kapunda Celtic Festival Photos

I've finally uploaded my photos for the Kapunda Celtic Festival and put a selection on the website. For those interested, there are a few extra on our Picasa site ( I'll try to upload all of our photos to the Picasa site as a pretty comprehensive historical record, and at this stage we can store up to 1 GIG on there!

I know a lot of others took photos on the day and if you want to contribute to our records you can either upload them here on the blog or email them directly to the Picasa website (
