Friday, June 25, 2010

Welcome to Jeff Timmings

Welcome to Jeff Timmings. Jeff was voted in as a member last night after coming to practices for the last three months. Jeff is a side drummer and has had previous pipe band experience in the Australian Army.

Welcome to the Band Jeff!

Drum Sgt David Pound welcoming Jeff to the Band.

-Peter W

Friday, June 11, 2010

A familiar face far away.

Even half way across the world, a member of City of Elizabeth Pipe Band contributes to the Ramp Ceremony in Tarin Kowt for the departure of Australian soldiers most recently lost to the war on terror. Well done Deano. We are all proud of you.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Welcome to Jenny Owen

Welcome to Jenny Owen. Jenny has been coming along to the band for a few months now and was voted in as a member this week. Jenny is a tenor drummer.

Great to have you aboard Jenny!

- Peter W