Friday, July 23, 2010

Band Visitor - Mick Ryan

It was great to have a visitor at both our practices this week in the form of Mick Ryan, PSgt of the Ringwood band in Victoria. Mick and his wife were holidaying in the Barossa Valley and doing their best to support the local tourist industry. Mick now knows how to play Bonnie Galloway! All the best to the Ringwood band.

If this face looks familiar, have a look at these two videos ....

- Peter W

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Kitty Litter in a Tray

It's a pity that a $300.00 odd pipe bag
suffers in the long term.I used a canmore for over
twelve years and it gave up as I was playing the Wedding march.
I paid over $300.00 for my zip bag and didn't put the kitty litter
system in. Minus 4 below, maybe.

Where I live it gets cold and I've had no problems with moisture, $300
is hard on the pocket unless you've got good sponor's. Once bitten , Twice shy.

Bill fae Tea Gardens, NSW

Band Social Evening

Just a quick note regarding the social evening held at the Elizabeth RSL on Saturday, 17 July. I think everyone who attended seemed to be enjoying themselves, which was the whole idea - just a relaxing evening for band members, and an opportunity for family and friends to see the band play a few tunes. We have a few new members who played with the band in a public setting for the first time, so it was a fairly low key introduction without too many nervous moments. Although it wasn't intended as a fund raising event, the coin toss and raffles raised a few hundred dollars, which will certainly be put to good use. I'd like to thank Kathy for printing and selling the tickets, and working with Steve to sort out the raffle prizes. Steve also did a great job as compere on the night, assisted by Nicola. Kathy and Lesley also did an excellent job of setting up the hall during the afternoon, and selling raffle tickets during the evening. Jason also 'conned' a few dollars with his cash prize raffle. So, thanks to those people for your help. I look forward to the next social evening.

David Pound

Friday, July 16, 2010

Welcome to Jeff Seymour

Welcome to Jeff Seymour.

Jeff has been coming to the band for a while now and was voted in as a member last night. Congratulations Jeff!

Jeff is a piper and brings with him a wealth of experience having played in 7 bands over his 35+ years piping experience. Jeff is the retiring PM of the Mildura Pipe band and previously of the Broken Hill pipe band. Jeff is a retired School Teacher and Principal and is now living in Auburn.

- Peter W

A leaking bag

Andy's pipes were getting hard the other night, I wonder why .......

The sharp end of the metal reinforcing wire on his Ross canister hoses had scraped a hole in the lining of his bag! Mad scramble by the rest of the pipe corps to check theirs promptly ensued.

- Peter W