Monday, April 25, 2011

More Pics from Anzac Day

A good march today and a bit warmer than I anticipated. Well done everyone the band was sounding good for most of the march. We missed you Liz, Kathy and Frazer, hopefully next year!

Here are a few contenders for official photo of the year. Liz it's your choice.
- Peter W

ry Leigh forgot to add these ones

Sorry Leigh forgot to add these ones

Wee William's first ANZAC DAY

Williams First ANZAC day. All in all I think he was a good boy and enjoyed himself. Thanks to all for their congratulations. Another ANZAC day over..... till next year.

re-edited to remove a lot of blank lines - Peter W

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

First Time Out

Congratulations to Nicole Brown on her first appearance with the band at the Elizabeth ANZAC Parade. It was a great day and it was great to have you with us. Next parade ... ANZAC Day in the City! Nicole joins her husband Leigh and her daughter Claire in the band with her son Jacob still learning.
-Peter W

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Another Tune From Bill Gall

I see that you've got the band on the go again.It's been fairly quiet here in lay back Tea Gardens. I'm slowly getting some tunes in order, keeping up with the theory.
We have a wee man called Bill and he rides a noisy motorised bicycle(a moped) Hell's Fairy we call him. The jig is simple but effective.The second part could attract some harmony.

Kindest regards
Bill Tea Gardens NSW
-Peter W