Have your UserName and Password handy - they were issued last Thursday to most members.
1. Go to the top of the screen and click on "Sign In".
2. On the new screen, go to the top and type in your User Name and Password (lower case).
Then click on "Sign In".
3. The new screen looks fairly congested, but look for the white-coloured window and click on "New Post".
Now you have arrived at the place where you can contribute.
4. You can type in a Title in the appropriate window, then go to the window below to type in your contribution.
5. To add a photo from your computer click on the small icon 3rd from the right ("add photo") and browse to find the photo in the usual way.
6. You can check your work by clicking "Preview" (top right of the window).
7. To get back to the composing page just click "Hide Preview".
8. If all is well, then click "Publish Post" (Bottom left of screen).
9. When all is done be sure to "Sign Out" (top right of screen).
That's all there is to it - so just get on with it !!!! We would love to hear from you.
Old Angus
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