Wednesday, November 16, 2011

President’s Newsletter No 4 - 14 November 2011

  1. Draft of the New Band Constitution – Special General Meeting

All members should have received either an emailed copy OR a paper copy of the draft of the new Band Constitution by now. (please let me know if you have not received a copy)

  • There will be a Special General Meeting on Thursday 1 December 2011 @ 9pm to discuss the new constitution and any changes members would like us to consider making. It is important to remember that the draft is based on the example constitution for SA incorporated bodies. This is the only matter that can be dealt with at this special general meeting.
  • It is important that all members have read the draft constitution prior to this meeting.
  • Our aim is to thrash out the changes needed or wanted prior to the April 2012 AGM so that the Constitution can be adopted at that AGM meeting(without any additional changes).
  1. Uniform matters from the November Meeting
  • We are going to spend about $3,000 on various items of uniform over the next few months.
  • We will be purchasing new plain glengarries for all band members. All members will have their heads measured so that the order can be placed.
  • We will be purchasing new Glengarry badges/brooches for the new glengarries.
  • We will have 6 new hair sporran straps made to match the existing straps – these will be issued to members without the leather sporran straps.
  • We intend to have the black leather sporrans re-modelled. Members should bring their leather sporrans into Band practice over the next couple of practices and give them to Nic Brown.
  • A new kilt will be made for Jason Moore and Kathy Park’s kilt will be adjusted.

Thank you to Nic Brown for her report on uniform(both current status and future needs) and to all members who cooperated with the uniform audit process.

  1. Extra Virgin Olive Oil Fundraiser – February 2012

The first extra virgin olive oil drive was successful, raising almost $500 for the band. Just a reminder to members, that a second drive will be started in February 2012 under the same arrangements as before. Delivery of the olive oil to customers would be in March 2012.

  1. Mt Barker Contest – 2012

We resolved to enter the Mt Barker Contest on Sunday 19th February 2012. Please put the date on your calendar/diary.

  1. Band Promotion Brochure

A band promotion brochure has been produced to be distributed to organisations within our community. The brochure aims to get us more engagements in 2012 and 2013.

  1. Financial position – 4 months into financial year(July to October inclusive)

Lis tabled a treasurer’s report at the last meeting. We are only progressing satisfactorily at the moment, financially. As at the end of October, Band receipts totalled $8,260.72 and Band expenditure totalled $3,235.00. It is noted that $5,000 came in from the sale of surplus Band Bagpipes. A number of members also have outstanding contributions for the Sept quarter ($25). The engagements coming up are mostly paid and so should bolster band finances.

  1. Future meetings

The next Band Management Committee(BMC) is scheduled for February 2012. There will be no BMC meeting in December due to the Special General Meeting being conducted.

  1. City of Playford Grant - $1,500

We were pleased to be advised that we were successful with the Grant application to the City of Playford Council. We will be purchasing a new Andante Bass Drum and metal harness and two Andante tenor drums. The grant will cover more than half the cost of the drums. We will need to contribute $1,161of band funds toward the purchase, based on the initial quote for the drums.

  1. More members needed for November and December engagements:

Members were asked at the last Band practice to advise their availability for upcoming engagements. There is no doubt that the next 4-6 weeks is our busiest period for engagement.

We need every member to make whatever sacrifices are required to make themselves available for all (or most) of the scheduled engagements. Numbers are low for a couple of the engagements!!!

Jeff Seymour


Saturday, October 22, 2011

President’s Newsletter No 3 – 14 October 2011

1. From the Band Management Committee meeting - 6 October 2011
Re. Band Review- Finance and Fundraising

The purpose of these President’s Newsletters is to keep the membership advised on the main matters discussed and decided at Band Management Committee meetings. This meeting dealt with Finances and Fundraising. There is a general view held within the committee that the Band needs to have revenue sufficient to meet the current expenditure needs of the Band. The Band should not simply run down the accumulated reserves.

Therefore, the CEPB has a need to generate more revenue to meet the expenditure needs of the Band.
• Fundraising - The view held by the Band Management Committee is that the best way to generate more revenue is to have more paid engagements. Suggestions to achieve this include: more active and direct promotion of the Band; direct approaches to councils, service clubs, sporting clubs and other organisation to include the band in their events; items and advertisements in newspapers like ‘The Messenger’; and establishing a facebook page to complement the website.
• Sponsorship - Another way to secure the band’s future finances is through sponsorship. Various options were discussed including a gold, silver and bronze level sponsorship deals. A discussion paper will be prepared by the President as a starting point for sponsorship discussions. You get nothing for nothing! So, we have to consider what we have to offer and what we are prepared to give in terms of appearances, etc to any potential sponsor. Some of our current supporter organisations could be approached to become a sponsor.
• Grants – opportunities for grants are very limited. We should apply for whatever and whenever we can.

2. Band Promotion Brochure

A basic draft had been prepared and distributed to committee members. This was discussed. It essentially:
• promotes the full band, mini-bands and Solo Pipers;
• promotes the special winter offer; and
• provides contact details for the band.
Some suggestions were incorporated and a more finished draft will now be produced, prior to any distribution.

3. Social Activities with other Bands

Craig Masson, in the last ‘The Piping Shrike’, challenged all Bands to get more social and to mix with each-other more. We discussed whether the current CEPB social activities, namely the mid-year social evening and the Christmas party could be opened up to visiting bands or similar. If a Band was invited to the social evening and accepted, we may have to alter the format of the night to accommodate their travel and other needs. For example, the night might start with a BBQ.
As a starting point, the Band Management Committee resolved to invite the eight Office Bearers of the SA Branch of the APBA to our Christmas Party on Sunday 11 December 2011.

4. Draft Constitution

Copies will be distributed to members soon. All members will be asked to provide an email account address to send the draft to, so as to reduce photocopying costs. Paper copies will be available upon request, for anyone without an email account.

5. Competition - Tanunda

The Pipe Band contest was held at the sports fields at Chateau Tanunda on Saturday 15th October.
The results for the CEPB were second place in both the mini-band contest and the full band contest. Some numbers and comments from the day are: 1st in piping and 2nd in drumming in F/B musical selection; 3rd(both piping and drumming) in F/B March selection; nice set of tunes; nice drone sound; a good performance from the drum corps; great tempo and march on; well controlled; sweet sound; many strong points throughout drumming. Well played with clean execution and good scores.

There are things that both the pipers and drummers need to work on to continue the band development. This work will be directed by Willie and David as P/M and D/S respectively. Well done to the four members(Nic, Claire, David and Leigh) who played in a competition for the first time and to the fifth(Aaron) who played in the full band competition for the first time. This performance sets a base-line to build on over the coming months.

Well done to everyone concerned for the effort they put into the preparation for the competition and on your efforts on the day.

Jeff Seymour

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Busy weekend.... and a new facebook page.

Hi Everyone,

It's been a busy but fun weekend with the Pipe Band contest in Tanunda on Saturday and the Kapunda Celtic festival today! New photos have been added to the website (2011 Photos) but if anyone has any other photos they'd like included either email them to or bring them in on Thursday night.

Jason's also set up a new Facebook Page for the band. Check it out and feel free to like/recommend it to your friends.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

President’s Newsletter No 2 – 22 September 2011

  1. From the Band Management Committee meeting - 8 September 2011

Re. Band Review-

  1. Confirmed that all members need to learn the competition sets, in the following priority order, over the next 12 months:

· Musical Selection to be learnt ASAP – 5 tunes;

· March set – ‘Leaving Liverpool” – 4 x 4/4 tunes

· New March Set – Major Maclennan(6/8) and Captain Norman Orr Ewing(2/4).

  1. Willie and David are to review and finalise the Band Repertoire over the coming month.
  2. The committee will look into workshops for pipers and drummers in the future.
  3. The committee will look into how we can increase the number of Band engagements, especially during the winter months – one strategy is to offer a limited number of free performances to charity groups between May and September so we can be seen out more.
  4. Jeff is to develop a promotional brochure to distribute to councils, service clubs (Lions, Rotary, Apex) and charity groups to promote the bands availability for engagement.
  5. Tuesday is confirmed as the tuition night. Willie to look at ‘exercise routine’ as part of practice to improve skills. Pairing and mentoring to be further developed. The tuition program for transition players has to be shared around. Both the pipe corp. and drum corp. have two distinct groups of players – the aim is to bridge the gap and bring everyone up to a similar/higher level.
  6. The next meeting(October) will look at Band Finances and Fundraising
  1. Uniform Audit

Thanks to everyone for their co-operation and assistance. The November Committee meeting will focus on uniform matters. Please note:

  1. We are disposing of all old uniforms. A reserve price has been placed on some items. Any member interested in buying particular items should see Nic Brown. No member should have items of old uniform at home. (eg Doublets and plaids) If you do and you want them, then they are for sale. All old uniform items should be in the hands of the Property Officer.
  2. We are going to discontinue the use of ‘diced glengarries’. All members will wear plain glengarries. Drummers will soon have their heads measured so replacement glengarries can be purchased/issued.
  3. We are looking into:

· New badges for the glengarries – all the same.

· Upgrading the dress sporrans – initially we will investigate whether the current sporrans can be remodelled in some way to improve their look- this will save a lot of money as they are essentially ‘new’.

  1. Nic/Leigh have been asked to prepare information on uniform items for the November meeting.
  1. Draft Constitution

Copies will be distributed to members in early October.

  1. Congratulations to Jason Moore

For being jointly featured in the Australian edition of the Scottish Banner. The article, headed “Scottish Youth Radio Showcase”:

  • Featured Jason and fellow presenter Allana Wares
  • Outlined the purpose of the radio program, which was to ‘showcase musical talents of Scottish, Irish and Welsh artists.
  • promoted their show on 5EBI between 5 and 6 pm on the 4th Saturday of the month; and,
  • noted that Jason was a piper in the City of Elizabeth Pipe Band.
  1. Remember – competition rehearsal- Tanunda

The Pipe Band contest is still on at the sports fields at Chateau Tanunda. The Brass Band section has been cancelled due to insufficient nominations. Thanks to David for following this through.

  • Rehearsal on Sunday 9th October - Time and location to be advised by P/M.
  • Competition on Saturday 15th October at Chateau Tanunda sports fields – times TBA.

Jeff Seymour


Monday, August 29, 2011

Gawler Show

James and his bass drum. You couldn't wipe the grin off his face.

Well done Dave on your first outing with the band.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Newsletter from the President, No 1. 2011

1. Uniform condition audit and check:

The Property officer(s) are going to conduct a Band uniform condition audit and check. This will happen on Thursday 1 September 2011 between 9.00 and 9.30pm. All members are required to either bring or wear their uniform to practice on the night. Those who bring their uniform will need to change into it for the audit. All items are to be brought in including your long hose and brogues and spats and half hose.

The purpose is to complete an individual audit of the condition of each member’s uniform. There will be an opportunity to exchange some items of uniform on the night. Anyone absent on the night will need to make an arrangement with Nicolle/Leigh to have their uniform assessed. We want to be looking our best for Kapunda/Tanunda.



2. Skilly Olive Oil Fundraiser – raises $468

Phase one of the Skilly Olive Oil fundraiser has been a success with $468 being raised for the Band. Thank-you to all the members of the CEPB who sold oil to friends, workmates and family. Also, a big thank-you to Steve Moore for capably coordinating the event. A second drive is planned for February 2012.

3. Band Finance and the 2011/12 budget

Lis has prepared a cash flowed budget for the Band for the 2011/12 financial year. As I mentioned back in June, the Band’s current sources of income only just cover the basic operation of the Band (ie. Hall hire; APBA registration; Insurance; and basic consumables and maintenance for the drum/pipe corps). There is a projected surplus of just $400.00 for the year. The management committee will be looking at how we can increase our income in the long term– more engagements is one way. See section 4 of this newsletter.

4. A Band Review

The Band Management Committee intends to review a range of aspects of the band over the coming months. A discussion document has been prepared to facilitate the process. The schedule of topics is:

  • 1 September – The musical direction of the band
  • 6 October – Band finances and fundraising
  • 3 November – Uniform and Equipment needs
  • 1 December - Governance and Management – possibly a general meeting to also consider the draft of the new constitution.
  • February 2012 – Band communication

All band members are welcome to make suggestions, give ideas on or make comments to any member of the band management committee on these areas.

5. Playford Community Grant Program

I have prepared an application for the Playford Community Grant Program, to request a grant to purchase one Andante Bass drum and two Andante Tenor drums. Applications close on 2/9/2011.

Jeff Seymour



Friday, July 15, 2011

Welcome to our newest member - Dave Woodward

Welcome to our newest piper Dave Woodward who was voted in as a member last night. Dave has been consistently attending practices for some time now and must be congratulated on his hard work during this time. He should be proud of the piper he is becoming.

Congratulations again Dave, it's great that your now officially part of the band!


Saturday, May 28, 2011

Another potential recruit....

Hi everyone,

I'm sure the word has been around the band already but little Toby (Tobias) James Luke was born last Saturday night just after 7pm weighing 3.52kg or 7 pounds 12 ounces. Both he and I are doing really well and I'm slowly beginning to adapt to the lack of sleep. Hannah, my sister, says he has long fingers and would make a good piper but we'll have to see about that....

Here are a couple of pictures as requested but I hope to catch up with you guys soon anyway.
Good luck to everyone competing tomorrow - I'm sure you'll all do really well.


Monday, April 25, 2011

More Pics from Anzac Day

A good march today and a bit warmer than I anticipated. Well done everyone the band was sounding good for most of the march. We missed you Liz, Kathy and Frazer, hopefully next year!

Here are a few contenders for official photo of the year. Liz it's your choice.
- Peter W