- From the Band Management Committee meeting - 8 September 2011
Re. Band Review-
- Confirmed that all members need to learn the competition sets, in the following priority order, over the next 12 months:
· Musical Selection to be learnt ASAP – 5 tunes;
· March set – ‘Leaving Liverpool” – 4 x 4/4 tunes
· New March Set – Major Maclennan(6/8) and Captain Norman Orr Ewing(2/4).
- Willie and David are to review and finalise the Band Repertoire over the coming month.
- The committee will look into workshops for pipers and drummers in the future.
- The committee will look into how we can increase the number of Band engagements, especially during the winter months – one strategy is to offer a limited number of free performances to charity groups between May and September so we can be seen out more.
- Jeff is to develop a promotional brochure to distribute to councils, service clubs (Lions, Rotary, Apex) and charity groups to promote the bands availability for engagement.
- Tuesday is confirmed as the tuition night. Willie to look at ‘exercise routine’ as part of practice to improve skills. Pairing and mentoring to be further developed. The tuition program for transition players has to be shared around. Both the pipe corp. and drum corp. have two distinct groups of players – the aim is to bridge the gap and bring everyone up to a similar/higher level.
- The next meeting(October) will look at Band Finances and Fundraising
- Uniform Audit
Thanks to everyone for their co-operation and assistance. The November Committee meeting will focus on uniform matters. Please note:
- We are disposing of all old uniforms. A reserve price has been placed on some items. Any member interested in buying particular items should see Nic Brown. No member should have items of old uniform at home. (eg Doublets and plaids) If you do and you want them, then they are for sale. All old uniform items should be in the hands of the Property Officer.
- We are going to discontinue the use of ‘diced glengarries’. All members will wear plain glengarries. Drummers will soon have their heads measured so replacement glengarries can be purchased/issued.
- We are looking into:
· New badges for the glengarries – all the same.
· Upgrading the dress sporrans – initially we will investigate whether the current sporrans can be remodelled in some way to improve their look- this will save a lot of money as they are essentially ‘new’.
- Nic/Leigh have been asked to prepare information on uniform items for the November meeting.
- Draft Constitution
Copies will be distributed to members in early October.
- Congratulations to Jason Moore
For being jointly featured in the Australian edition of the Scottish Banner. The article, headed “Scottish Youth Radio Showcase”:
- Featured Jason and fellow presenter Allana Wares
- Outlined the purpose of the radio program, which was to ‘showcase musical talents of Scottish, Irish and Welsh artists.’
- promoted their show on 5EBI between 5 and 6 pm on the 4th Saturday of the month; and,
- noted that Jason was a piper in the City of Elizabeth Pipe Band.
- Remember – competition rehearsal- Tanunda
The Pipe Band contest is still on at the sports fields at Chateau Tanunda. The Brass Band section has been cancelled due to insufficient nominations. Thanks to David for following this through.
- Rehearsal on Sunday 9th October - Time and location to be advised by P/M.
- Competition on Saturday 15th October at Chateau Tanunda sports fields – times TBA.
Jeff Seymour
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