Wednesday, May 23, 2012

PRESIDENT’S NEWSLETTER Number 6 (February 2012)

Uniform: Over the Christmas break, Nic Brown pursued the purchase of new plain Glengarries and brooches. A range of suppliers were contacted and the total purchase cost of these items was significantly less than initially expected. Thanks to Nic for her efforts and perseverance. David Pound and myself also investigated the remodelling of the leather sporrans. Discussions with 2 leatherworkers narrowed the range of options we had, as most would have proved too expensive. The leatherworker produced a sample which was photographed and circulated amongst the Management Committee for endorsement. The strap and buckle option was fairly inexpensive and was endorsed by most Band Management Committee members.

Mount Barker: The Band performed well at the Mt Barker Contest last Sunday 19 February. Members worked well toward the preparation and aspects of the results were encouraging. Members were well presented and punctual throughout the day. Thank you and well done to everyone for your efforts.

Olive Oil drive: The second round of the Auburn Olive Oil drive is being conducted during February and March. The arrangements are the same as the August drive.

The following matters were dealt with at the management committee meeting on Thursday night 23/2/2012:

Draft Constitution: Since the last special general meeting on the new constitution, the matter of band uniform and equipment was raised in relation to the constitution (there is a section on this in the current constitution). The committee approved the draft to go to the members at the special general meeting. The draft addition will be moved at a special general meeting that has been called for Thursday 1 March 2012 @ 9pm. The addition has been emailed to all Members.

Band Sponsorship Proposal: A Band Sponsorship proposal has been prepared. It has a multi level structure (Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum sponsors). It is proposed to present this document at the April AGM for endorsement by members. It will be distributed with the other AGM business about 1 month before the AGM for member consideration.

Tenor and Bass Drum Purchase: The committee resolved last night to purchase 2 tenor drums and a bass drum. The City of Playford Grant will cover about half of the cost of their purchase. The new drums will improve the overall ensemble effect of our musical performance and provide opportunities to challenge our tenor players with opportunities for new and different scores.

Music and Tunes – priorities: Members are reminded about the priorities set by Willie and David in relation to the competition sets. Members currently not playing these sets are asked to learn them as quickly as possible. The priorities are:

        The Musical Selection – Glendarual Highlanders selection (5 tunes).

        The #2 March Selection – Leaving Liverpool Set (4 tunes).

      The learning of these tunes will become the focus of Band practice over the coming months. We will still endeavour to learn the 2/4 and 6/8 marches as well, but after these 2 settings!

Jeff Seymour


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