Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Bill Gall

We have had a lot of postings from Bill on our blog site (thanks for your support Bill) and a few people have been asking me who this Bill person is, so I though he needs a proper introduction.

Bill Gall was a member of our band back in the early 70's. He went on to a number of roles in the Australian Army including being the Pipe Major of a number of the pipe bands. I believe that he became the Senior Pipe Major in the Australian Army. Bill made a lot of friends in the piping world in his time many of these being the source of tunes which he sends to us from time to time.

I have asked Bill to give me a brief biography of his life and this is what he sent:


Here goes ; born 16 Oct 1948, Aberdeen (slums), moved to Bucksburn,Aberdeenshire attended Bankhead Academy. Started playing a cornet with Moggiemoss paper mill band(8)
First chanter experience, Bucksburn Pipe Band,(10)A. Rennie. Knuckles took
their first bashing at (GH) Bridge Of Don Barracks, Uncle was Colour Sargeant
Colin Kerr (GH) the strict P/Maj was R Anderson.(GH).1961 joined the Royal Navy
under age, moved to Australia, 1963,Enlisted ADF 1965. Did no piping until after
Vietnam(back to basics).

Moved to 3 RAR Woodside and decided to start again(1973), joined City of Elizabeth Pipe Band(CEPB) (1974-5) first major comp with CEPB Aust Championships Melbourne under P/major Jimmy Smith. Best productive year for CEPB , Paul Odeggard and I piped at 53 weddings plenty of funds and Hic! Hic! drinks. Went to Canada played for Eskimo and Blackfoot wedding at Churchill, (couild'nt eat seal fat)
After Artic and mounteering courses, climbed Mt Kent with a team to play pipes at the top, Canadian record. Played with P/Maj I. Grant 3 PPCLI reunion since Korea ceremony Victoria Island BC.Canada.(AUSTCAN Bond 1977).

Won on a coin flick with P/Maj Norm Degrussa OAM, moved to 2/4 RAR as P/Maj. 1989-1992. Went to PNG, Indonesia,Fiji and many other exotic places normal people would'nt go. Singleton next move as Senior P/Maj Instructor until 1998. Emergency reserve as P/Maj of the RACT pipes and Drums, finally gave the ADF away 2000.35 years was enought. Civvy Bands: CEPB, Townsville Highland, 42nd RQR, (Rockhampton QLD), Army Tattoo 1988, SUR, many bands,Etc Etc.Mentor through my early years P/Major Angus Massie Snr.(excellent tutor) and a fair man to boot.

Thats all folks !!!!!!!!!!!! (sorry about the spelling)

-Peter W

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